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Why are you here? Are you curious about the history of Freemasonry? Do you have a family connection? Do you want to build a network of strong friendships? Or did the movie National Treasure spike your interest? Regardless of your situation, young men across the nation are starting to rediscover Freemasonry.


Why Young Men Join the Freemasons
St Pauls Masonic Lodge No.500, Springfield Illnois

This new generation of Masons wants to associate with something ancient, mythical, and legendary;

  • A group that has been the fraternity of choice for the greatest of men throughout the

  • centuries, such as George Washington, Sir Winston Churchill & Benjamin Franklin.

  • A fraternity that's worldwide in its scope and universal in its welcoming of all

  • faiths and all races. Meaning, once one is a master mason, they can visit other

  • lodges and be afforded the privileges of a master mason worldwide.

  • A local lodge that helps the family next door and the school down the street.

  • A group that was at the forefront of issues that shaped this country and

  • arguably, was the crucible that gave birth to the US revolution, because the Freemasons were men of action and social conscience.

  • A fraternity that claims as its members the most imaginative minds and the

  • most successful of men.

St Pauls Masonic Lodge No.500, Springfield Illnois
Why Join A Masonic Lodge?

Freemasonry is for people who wish to improve themselves spiritually, mentally, and physically, as a parent, a friend and as a member of their community.

Through participation in a Masonic Lodge, you are given an opportunity to learn the more important truths of morality, your relationship with your fellow man - and at the same time learning the perspective of others in an atmosphere of tolerance and mutual support and respect. Whether you are Christian, Muslim, or Jewish; black or white; rich or poor; all who gather within the doors of the Lodge are met on the Level as equals.

The fraternity has little or no material benefit. Yet behind the doors of Freemasonry is something greater than what money can buy: The chance to forge the strongest bonds of friendship that last a lifetime for the benefit of Humanity.

People have their own reasons why they enjoy Freemasonry. Many come for brotherhood, others for self-improvement. The following is a sample of some of the reasons given:

  • Charity – Being able to contribute to deserving causes, both Masonic and non-Masonic, at the local, state and national levels.

  • Education – Learning from peers and mentors by practicing in masonic ritual and making short speeches.

  • Knowledge – Discovering the ancient history and mysteries of Freemasonry.

  • Brotherhood – Making new friends and acquaintances from all walks of life, every background and age group.

  • Self-improvement – Contributing to your family and society, while learning from the life experiences form other members of all ages and walks of life.

  • Achievement – If appointed or elected, progressing through the various offices in the Lodge to one day become the Worshipful Master of the Lodge.

If these characteristics describe how you lead your life, or the life you wish to attain, then Freemasonry is for you.

Our fraternity has a wonderful and interesting ancient history, which dates back more than three centuries, and some argue 1,000’s of years. We strive to live to the highest moral and social standards, treating others as we would wish to be treated.

Who Can Join?
St Pauls Masonic Lodge No.500, Springfield Illnois

Membership is open to men of every race, religion, culture, and income level.


The basic requirements for membership are:

  • That you be a man over the age of 18 of good moral and social character. (Meaning you cannot have a criminal background.)

  • You must profess a belief in a Supreme Being, though how you worship is up to you. Wewelcome virtually all religions and denominations.

  • Have resided in Illinois for at least six months. (If you are interested but have not resided for 6 months, you can certainly contact us to learn more.)

  • Be able to speak, read and write English.


It should be noted, although Freemasonry does not discriminate on income level, there is an annual dues, as well as an initiation cost to join a lodge. Masonry is not for everyone; however, its only promise is to provide a lifelong opportunity for good men to improve themselves, and those around them.


Degree Fee and Annual Dues

  1. First Degree Fee - $100 due when submitting petition.

  2. Second Degree Fee - $100 due before receiving Second Degree.

  3. Third Degree Fee - $105 due before receiving Third Degree

  4. Annual Dues will begin upon receiving your Master Mason degree (3rd). Your dues will be prorated depending on the quarter you complete your third degree. (IE. If your complete your 3rd Degree in the third quarter, your prorated dues will be $50)

“Freemasons Investing in Self-Improvement and Being Useful to Others”

Interested in joining or have questions?
Springfeld IL Freemasons

Thanks for submitting!

St Paul's Lodge No.500

1020 Rickard Rd

Springfield, IL 62704

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